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CONCORDIA Annual Summit

The end of September was a time of another Concordia Annual Summit in which President Kwaśniewski had an honor to participate. 

Below please find the video of the panel discussion of which President was a part, together with Senator John McCain, President Mikheil Saakashvili and President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga.

"Public-private partnerships have become a key tool in the world today, transforming the way societies fund their most important initiatives. The viability of these partnerships is largely determined by the economic and political situation they are developed and implemented in. This session will set the context for the day’s discussions by analyzing the current economic and political environments around the world from the point of view of three former heads of state and facilitated by US Senator John McCain. The discussion will be framed around the three main indicators of the Concordia Index: political environment, investment climate, and infrastructure gaps. With more than $10 trillion in private assets represented among the organizations seeking to establish partnerships at Concordia Summits, this session will analyze current events and how they will shape partnerships of the future."