Schulz explained that the Kwasniewski and Cox’s mission may take about two weeks, until the cassation trial of Yulia Tymoshenko which will be held on June 26.
Monday's visit - said Kwasniewski - will be the first opportunity to talk with the lawyers about the elements of the procedure for cassation.
Observers have the support of the EP experienced lawyers. "Some will be connected with PE, two people will participate in our discussions on Monday. We also address the various lawyers involved in this issue - on the one hand with human rights, the other criminal trials and appeals procedures" - said Kwasniewski, adding that the specific names will be soon revealed.
Asked by journalists about the political aspects of the mission, Kwasniewski said: "We will use this opportunity to meet with the Ukrainian leaders (...), of course we will talk with representatives of the opposition."
Schulz added that representatives of the EP "will have a free hand to observe everything that is related to the case Tymoshenko", will have an access to documents related to the process of Cassation, prosecutors and lawyers, "and to all with whom they want to talk." This is guaranteed by the Government of Ukraine - the head of PE.
The former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, now being in opposition, was sentenced last year to seven years in prison for fraud in concluding gas agreements with the Russian Federation in 2009.