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Board of the Yalta European Strategy

Board of the Yalta European Strategy

On November 10, 2011, during a visit to Warsaw, the Board of the Yalta European Strategy (YES) discussed prospects of Ukraine’s integration with the European Union and the role of Poland, currently holding Presidency in the EU, in the negotiations on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.

8th Yalta Annual Meeting

8th Yalta Annual Meeting

Fundamental changes taking place in the modern world give rise to challenges, as well as new opportunities, stated President of Poland (1995–2005), Chairman of the Board of YES Aleksander Kwasniwski at the concluding session of the 8th Yalta Annual Meeting

President Kwaśniewski is a member of a Council ”The Concordia Summit Group”

President Kwaśniewski is a member of a Council ”The Concordia Summit Group”

Concordia is a non-profit organization set up in February 2011. Its principal assignment is a development of Public-Private Partnership concerning paramount global issues. Aim of the project is to organize cycle of conferences devoted to above mentioned challenges.